I have been suffering from writer's block. This is my first post in a while as I move forward, I wanted to reflect on this problem. I will be again filling this space with new posts on fashion, life, and my ideas on both. Here are some ways I fought and won this battle.
Writer's block, what is it? Often it is referred to as a creative block. All creative people can suffer a block. However, it seems to be a problem that is more prolific with writers. Writer’s block is the state of being unable to proceed with writing, and/or the inability to write something new. Some believe it's a genuine disorder, while others believe it's “all in your head.” Regardless, we can all agree writer's block is a painful condition that's often difficult to overcome. I write a fashion blog, however much of the same concepts apply to any writing or any creative endeavor. I have suffered from writer's block recently, and many factors can contribute to this difficult condition.
What causes writer's block you may ask? It can be as simple as a lack of ideas. However, through my research, it is usually a combination of factors. In the 1970s, clinical psychologists Jerome Singer and Michael Barrios found out. After following a group of “blocked writers” for several months, they concluded that there are four broad causes of writer's block:
- Excessively harsh self-criticism
- Fear of comparison to other writers
- Lack of external motivation, like attention and praise
- Lack of internal motivation, like the desire to tell one's story
I would add to that list a lack of stimuli. During the time of the current pandemic, the inability to gather and interact with others leads to a lack of ideas and content. Writer's block stems from various feelings of discontent with the creative act of writing. But these feelings are not irreversible!, every writer begins with a sense of purpose and excitement; beating writer's block is about getting those feelings back. Here are some tips I have found work when the creative flow just isn't flowing.
It may sound weird when talking about scheduling the creative process, but it works. Creativity is a habit, and the best creativity results from good work habits. I write my blog posts in the morning. I feel fresh and rested and whether or not I feel like it, I push through. Developing self-discipline takes a while so stick with it.
Trying to come up with the perfect word or phrase can lead to blocks. What I find most useful is to use what words just come to mind, don't overthink it. A first draft is never exactly what you wanted. However, reworking and revising bring about the best results. You can use online services like Grammarly to help with punctuation, a thesaurus can help in finding that perfect wording.
I like paper notebooks. You can call me old-fashioned, but the act of writing a note seems to cement the thought. Many of you who have seen me at a fashion show will recall my ever-present note pad. Sometimes the notes are as simple as a word, a description, or an impression. Moreover, fashion lovers have been given a boost with the cell phone. Working in a visual medium like fashion is supported by visual aids like photos. Therefore, having that cell camera at your fingertips is a game-changer.
Getting over writer's block is all about having a multitude of ideas. These notes and photos form the backbone of what will become my blog posts. Thoughts and ideas are creativity, everything starts with those ideas. Keeping notes and photos has been a savior. I also keep a sketch journal, which allows me to interrupt what I see. These ideas can help all creative people be more successful. If you are a fashion designer, a fine artist, or any other creative keeping notes and photos are a great way to help deal with a creative block and form a good habit to maintain.

A page from my note book.
One of my great sources of inspiration for my writing is the writing of others. One of the best sources for a fashion blogger is other fashion blogs, these are some of my favorites.
Fashionista | New York Fashion Blog
New York, United StatesAbout Blog Fashionista.com is a news site covering the personalities, companies, events and trends that shape the fashion universe. We chronicle the fashion trail from the runway to the first Canal Street knockoffs, while dishing the latest in supermodel gossip and finding the hottest new designers.
WhoWhatWear | Celebrity Style and Fashion Blog
Los Angeles, California, United StatesAbout Blog Get the latest and greatest celebrity style, runway trends, and shopping suggestions from the fashion and beauty experts at Who What Wear. Who What Wear is the leading online platform for premium and original style and shopping content, catering to trend-setting fashion lovers and their followers.
Refinery29 | Fashion
New York, United States About Blog Refinery29 is a modern woman's destination for how to live a stylish, well-rounded life. Subscribe us for breaking entertainment news, fashion tips, health, and more.
CanadaAbout Blog After 30 years, FLARE continues to be the magazine Canadian women turn to for the latest information on fashion, beauty, health and entertainment. As the magazine has grown, so has our reach to women across the country. Flare now reaches more than 1.7 million women every month.
Song of Style By Aimee
Los Angeles, California, United StatesAbout Blog A fashion & interior design blog written by Los Angeles based interior designer Aimee Song, featuring daily fashion photos, design inspiration, and more.
New York, United States About Blog Atlantic-Pacific is a personal style and fashion blog of Blair Eadie. Blair is a lover of all things colorful, chic, preppy and printed. I look forward to continuing to share my fashion and digital evolution with you - and hope to inspire you to do the same with me.
Fashion trend forecasting blog
London, England, United KingdomAbout Blog Best fashion blogs on trend forecasting, get updates from the retail, catwalk, fashion, accessories, textile, footwear and market intelligence.
Dress The Part got its name because I started my career as a costume designer and costume design still influences my fashion writing. Often I will write about film or television costume and fashion. When experiencing a creative block, look to the things that inspire and interest you. I have found that if I have an interest, so do others. Inspiration is a subjective thing, it is different for everyone.
The more you know about a chosen topic, the more confident and informed your writing will be. Finding great sources of information can take time. Preparing to write will help you put your fingers to the keyboard. A creative block can be extinguished by building up confidence, and confidence can be built through knowledge.
The last eight months have been very difficult for many. What has contributed to my writer's block has been the lack of social contact. "No man is an island", and this is made so true by the social isolation that many have felt during this pandemic. Stimulating conversation, social activities, happenings like fashion shows, arts shows and other cultural events are the mainstay of this website. However difficult these times are, we need to use our creativity to find new and exciting ways to share our talents. Recently I was one of the two media people (Marilyn R. Wilson was the other), to cover the virtual presentation of Vancouver Fashion Week S/S 2021. ( come to this space for the reviews). As we move forward in this pandemic remember my latest motto " Isolating but not isolated". Reach out to your community and share your thoughts, ideas and creative expressions .
Today's What's Hot is one for the season. Dressing for my daily walks just got more complicated. Since the weather has started to change so has our attire. While a quick jaunt isn't too bad if you're going for a nice walk you need to dress approximately. One of the main items I love for fall and winter is gloves.
Certainly gloves come in every style and design and can be used year after year. In different times and a women wasn't considered being dressed unless she wore gloves. Some gloves are simply to protect your hands from the cold while others make a fashion statement. I have a soft spot for making that fashion statement and if you manage too combine warmth and style , your winning. Gloves can often be a point focus , a feature of your outfit and truly make that fashion statement. Here are my favorite gloves for the upcoming season.