Sarah Jessica Parker Style : the Gala at the Met!


Sarah Jessica Parker style, is a statement worth standing on it’s own .I  love to explore personal style and what makes someone noteworthy. Is it that they wear the latest trends? Maybe it is they can afford deginer clothes ? Or could  it  be that they strut they’re stuff on the red carprt ?  What gives you that certain elusive thing known as style.

                  Style those who have it

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about style  what makes someone be considered stylish .Last night the who’s who of entertainment attended The Costume Gala  at the Met . One of the attendees who is always front and center the glamorous  Sarah Jessica Parker.

Sarah not noted entirely for her beauty has really held her status as Fashion Icon because of her great fashion sense.She knows her body her booty and how to put it all together. Her personal sense of dressing developed during her tenure on Sex in the City. Sarah holds a huge dept of gratitude to costume designer/stylist Patricia Field.


What Sarah Jessica Parker understood from the mentoring and observing of Field  was not the duplicating of the looks she created but the essence of the look created.

To most people style is the look of someone’s appearance but it’s much more than that,it  is the outward manifestation of the inside. The emotional, inner life reflected for the world to see your values, judgments, knowledge, thoughts and beliefs.

It all seems a little daunting but true style after much ground work becomes effortless .  What makes someone noteworthy  is not just about what you wear but also about the way you wear it . The projection of yourself onto world involves your attitude, mannerisms and choice  of language .

         Ciao for now Jandrew


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