Since my last post on fashion blogs I love , I have received great feedback . Of course many of you have fashion blogs that you enjoy reading. While we have different tastes , certain blogs seem to get huge followings . Therefore I am really excited to know that I introduced some followers to a new blog experience . While some of the blogs I wrote about are really successful some are more like mine and are up and coming. First before I introduce you to five more fashion blogs let me list the first five fashion blogs I chose;
Darlings add these great blogs listed above to your reading list.
In my opinion , I want to support other fashion bloggers as I move forward in my career. Arguably I would like to develop relationships and friendships with other fashion bloggers. I am that strange beast (no not a unicorn ), but a male fashion blogger who writes about women's fashion , Therefore to succeed in my chosen profession I may need to be a little more creative, a bit more resourceful and a lot more passionate . However I'm not worried I always succeed and am so excited to have the opportunity to share my vast knowledge and love of fashion.
No doubt , we are all learning all the time and I love that. In fact I am a huge fan of gaining and sharing knowledge . If you read my first post on fashion bloggers I read love and recommend ,I shared five blogs . Therefore this time I will share five more blogs . I intend this to be a regular post and will continue to share 5 more blogs each month , until I have opened your eyes to all the fashion blogs I love to read.

JANE ALDRIDGE - photo from pinterest
Jane Aldridge started the blog Sea of Shoes in 2007 . In an uncharted world of blogging Jane was able to navigate herself to the top .Vogue covered her when she was still in high school . Therefore what started as an outlet for her creative styling has seen her partner with Gucci , Tory Burch and many others. Since I first discovered this blog I have been an avid viewer and reader. Jane shares openly about her life and her often unique style. Jane expresses a love for vintage which I share with her . Visit Jane and tell her Jandrew sent you !
LUANNA PEREZ-GARREAUD photo from pinterest
Above all else I love confident personal style, and Luanna Perez-Garreaud of LE HAPPY has it. Luanna a Peruvian immigrant transplanted to Brooklyn at 19, has made herself into a internet sensation. While many are obsessed with labeling someone's style I prefer to observe it and enjoy . Therefore this is the reason I love Lua (as she is know by her friends) . First she presents herself with an assured aplomb, her brash clothes and her fiery hair are masterfully shown . Second LE HAPPY, is a platform where Lua shares her authentic style and voice. We also share a love of Brigitte Bardot.
GARANCE DORE' taken from pinterest
I discovered ATELIER DORE' only a year ago , and am so thrilled to introduce any of you who don't already read this website. I have struggled to find an adequate description for this eclectic site, therefore I am taking the following description for their about page;
Atelier Doré is a website and integrated creative studio full of cool women – though we aren’t opposed to cool guys so, men feel free to apply – who want to have honest and not so serious conversations about style, femininity and the world today. We tell stories, feature friends and inspiring people we want to get to know, and create content to inspire a more creative life.
Oh and we read all your comments too so your thoughts are our command.
Garance Dore' the Chief Creative Officer ,of Atelier Dore' writes many of the posts along with her editorial staff and guests. I have not only gained so much knowledge, but feel inspired and changed by reading this blog. Darlings I can't say enough about Atelier Dore' . Therefore just trust me and visit this blog, let them know Jandrew sent you !
WENDY NGUYEN photo from pinterest
Since life is not one note, I love a lot of different styles, fashion and influences. As a matter of fact you can't find a wider variety of blogs than the one's listed here. Therefore when I want to indulge in glamour and sophistication I visit WENDY'S LOOKBOOK . Since Wendy has a fabulous wardrobe with the most eclectic collection of accessories her photo's are always inspiring. Wendy serves as a creative influence to her 1 million instagram followers , and rarely disappoints. Wendy Nguyen see's fashion as wearable art and a path for self expression . Since her childhood Wendy has loved fashion and this desire has lead her to a successful fashion career . Link to Wendy's about page here. When leaving a comment for Wendy tell her Jandrew sent you.

ARI SETH COHEN photo from pinterest
My Darlings this is a great inspiring blog . If you don't follow this fabulous blog you should. As a matter of fact I never miss a post . Ari Seth Cohen the photographer and self-proclaimed “old lady expert” behind the blog Advanced Style, women over 60 have never gone out of style. The blogger began roaming the streets of New York City in 2008, spotting sartorially gifted seniors and photographing them for a street style blog . After publishing a book and making a film the ladies of ADVANCED STYLE are now celebrities .I find this blog fun and liberating . All my life I have had an affinity towards older people and find their stories fascinating. This fashion blog is really a creative original !
Red is the hottest color for Fall and Winter one of the best ways to add a splash of red a great bag .
Darlings I hope that you found this post as much fun reading as I did writing. While I featured five fashion blogs I read so many others and hope to soon introduce them here. As a matter of fact if any of you would like to have me consider your blog leave a comment and I'll follow up with you. Please visit the blogs I have posted and let them know I sent you !
I have presented a great selection of RED handbags for this F/W. RED seems to be the color of the coming season so select the ones you like before they sell-out. Ciao for now Jandrew