Launched in 2015 "Dress the Part" jandrewspeaks.com is for all you fashion students, fashionista's and fashion lovers. If you love fashion and style you'll be right at home here.

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Who am I
Firstly and most importantly I am a lover of Fashion. As a confirmed mommy's boy I learned sewing from my home seamstress mother. From a very young age I loved to design create and explore the world of fashion and costume . I have a Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts, in Costume Design and Art History. After working as a theatrical costume designer , teacher and artist , I have recently dedicated myself to writing this blog .
I live in Vancouver , Canada with my partner Angelo. A great life begins with a purpose , my first priority is my partner and family and my second is meaningful work. In fact Dress The Part started with an idea to spread my love of fashion and sharing my expertise and knowledge. Hence this is my meaningful work.
About DRESS THE PART Content
I created this blog because of my love of Fashion. Moreover I love both vintage and modern fashion and especially luxury fashion. Here you will get fashion inspiration, from an encouraging , knowledgeable voice. I write about a variety of interesting subjects checkout my pages on Fashion Icons, those I consider great in the fashion world and why. Explore my articles on adapting and integrating vintage clothing into your modern wardrobe. With fun and flair I write about latest styles , classic's, fit and design. Furthermore I will always encourage high quality garments that will last to give joy and style to your wardrobe. My focus on developing a personal style will help you create a wardrobe that is timeless, creative, and exciting.
Please follow me on twitter , subscribe to my blog and let's discover the world of fashion together,
Ciao for now Jandrew