Thanks, Stefanie Cornell for the photo.
I attended Vancouver Fashion Week, and I had a view from the front row all week. Over my next posts I will give you that first-hand experience of sharing a view from the front row with me. First things first, I don't like to talk to much during the show. Certainly, there are exceptions, usually if I have a knowledgeable fashion friend with me we will exchange insights. Also, I love joy and humor in fashion , so I enjoy a good laugh and smile. Second, I always take some notes, because of large volume of designers I jot down my initial impressions. In fact, those notes may be as simple as a word or as complex as reflections on garment construction. Third, I am a positive reviewer and don't like to be cruel or needlessly critical. Constructive criticism, means giving opinions that can help to improve the results. However, why should these designers take my opinion.
Let me tell you a little about myself. My entire life I have been a fashion lover, from my youngest days until the present. I studied Theatre Design and Art history at University and have a BFA specializing in costume design and construction. My work experience includes, costume designer, fashion designer, stylist and journalist. I have studied and read about fashion and clothing all my life. I can be a bit obsessive and fashion is my obsession. Several years ago I started to write this fashion blog and write as a freelance fashion journalist. In fact, I write about everything fashion and art, and have a strong desire to help nurture new talent. If you are a designer, creative, photographer, artist or other who wants to submit a story idea, feel free to contact me.
Vancouver Fashion Week, is a unique fashion week in many ways. VFW has grown to be the second largest fashion week in North America – and continues to grow today as the fastest growing fashion week in the world. I recently wrote a post "Diversity is the Strength of Vancouver Fashion Week." this is one theme that I will follow through my posts. In fact, it's amazing that the S/S 2020 runway saw nearly 100 different designers (not including Kids Fashion Week) and at least 17 different countries and peoples from many more.
So please settle in to find out what is hot and who is who, and what we wore and all that stuff. Thanks to everyone who made VFW a great experience. Jamal and his team have produced another great Vancouver Fashion Week.

Opening Gala myself with Sue Randhawa.

Day 2

3rd day Fashion blogger Alexis , Myself , Nahla Hopfe

Myself and designer Joanna Ricci

Day 5

Aunalee & Sophia of Ay Lelum, The Good House of Design.

Day 7
Darlings the love of fashion is not much different than the love of music, or I suppose sport. However, it is what you do with that love and passion that matters. Therefore, I have chosen to be active in the Vancouver fashion community. Furthermore, I encourage all of you participate and support local and international designers. In fact, as much as possible I will give contact information in my posts so that you can purchase the garments.